Health and Wellbeing Centre

Health and Wellbeing Centre

Following the ‘From Over the Wall’ exhibition we have been able to partner up with the Health and Wellbeing Centre run by the NHS.  We have an ongoing 'call for art work' at the prison inviting prisoners to submit work on any of the three themes chosen.

These are:-

1. ‘Positivity’
– What mantras or images are guaranteed to put you in a positive frame of mind?

2.    ‘Recover[ing]’
– We usually talk about ‘recovery’, but that seems to suggest it is something that has already happened, rather than something on-going. The process of recovering, whether from something physical, psychological or an addiction, requires resilience to get back up each time you are knocked down or have a set-back. What does or can this look like? 

– We seem to put labels on everything, from bars of chocolate to logos on trainers, but what do they tell us about the thing? We, as people get labelled too. What labels do you feel like you have been given, or have given yourself? Do these determine who you think you are, or how others view you? Do you have to keep all the labels you are given or can they be changed?

Keep checking back to see how this develops!

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